Goals and Objectives
The Tacoma/Pierce County DUI Victim’s Information Panel is a Not-for-Profit corporation that was established in July 1991. This is an informational website designed to help you and your family through your difficult time. Helping you is what we are designed to do, please contact us if you are a victim or family member of a victim of an Impaired Driver crash, and would like to get involved or if you would like a brochure about our panel.
The objectives of the information panels are three-fold:
- To provide education to the public through community presentations held in schools, military bases, and community events.
- To provide education and information to subjects and family members who are facing alcohol, drug, and other court cases (both court ordered and non-court ordered)
- To assist victims and the families of victims who have been impacted due to the affects of impaired driving and crashes.
Participants Comments:
“I found the variety of stories engaging and I appreciate the emotion breadth and difficulty it must take. I found the plan aspect a helpful tip, it is literally something I hadn’t thought of but will encourage others to make one.”
“Outstanding Presentation. Humbling, Heart Breaking, but a definite eye opener”
” This program is very helpful but it also made me think of the bad choices I make when I decide to drink and drive.”
“I learned some good advice and guidance on not to drink alcohol, use mind altering drugs or smoke pot when I want to drive. The consequences can be deadly”
“The judge would not accept the online panel I took and paid for so I had to come to an in-person panel. I was angry about it but am glad now because I got so much more out of this victim’s panel. I am ashamed that I put my children’s lives and others in jeopardy. I will never drink and drive again”